Thank you for your interest in the Inland Bays Foundation. We look forward to you joining us in our efforts to overcome the challenges facing our Inland Bays: Rehoboth, Indian River and Little Assawoman. Over time the Bays Estuary has changed from being primarily an agricultural area to one with ever-growing urban encroachment. The facts are our Watershed is severely polluted from sources including growing bacterial pollution from failed septic systems and increased amounts of nutrient pollution from storm water. IBF has been very active in speaking out and lobbying for Clean Water Legislation and more effective enforcement of DNREC regulations.
Please join us and through our numbers send the message to the legislature and the Governor that business as usual is not acceptable.
Annual membership per family or individual is $35.
Become a member:
Please complete the form below. A copy of your completed form will be emailed to you and IBF AUTOMATICALLY after you press submit. Please mail your check to our PO Box.
The Mission of the Inland Bays foundation is to return our Inland Bays to their original “fishable and swimmable” condition. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at the South Coastal Library in Bethany Beach. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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