IBF established the Austin Moyer Chin Citizens Advocacy Program as a memorial to John Austin, Bill Moyer and Bob Chin to fuel their legacy of working to protect our environment and fighting for better water quality in the Inland Bays.
A Citizen’s Guide to Environmental Advocacy in Delaware produced by Kenneth T. Kristl, professor of law and director of the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Clinic at Widener University Delaware Law School, is a project of the Austin Moyer Chin Program. Professor Kristl said, “The goal of the Guide is to help citizens understand how the state processes work, the general details of where, when, and how you can participate, and some strategies for making that participation as impactful as possible. I believe the information and advice in the Guide can help citizens be effective advocates for their environment. “
The 2021 Edition of the Guide covers:
- Delaware’s Environmental Regulatory Structure
- Opportunities for Public Participation in DE Environmental Regulatory Scheme
- Effective Advocacy During and After the Permit Issuance Process
- And includes checklists for citizens to use as they prepare written and oral comments for environmental hearings.
- NEW Zoning and Land Development Chapter includes Roadmaps Through County Ordinances
DOWNLOAD A Citizen’s Guide to Environmental Advocacy in Delaware
VIEW Professor Kristl’s video workshop highlighting the Guide content:
Part 1: Introduction to the Process of Environmental Regulation in Delaware at the State Level
Part 2: Strategies for Public Participation Before Regulatory Decisions are Made
Part 3: Strategies for Public Participation After Regulatory Decisions are Made
The workshop was initially presented as part of SRAP LIVE!, a virtual summit hosted by the Socially Responsible Agriculture Project, in December 2020.
We hope these resources help you more effectively advocate for Delaware’s Inland Bays, clean water and the environment throughout the state. Thank you for your support of the Austin Moyer Chin Citizens Advocacy Program.