Agenda: September 2015 Board Meeting

Public Notice to all Inland Bays Foundation Members and our Delaware Inland Bays Friends- Please plan to attend our monthly Public Board Meeting on September 9 at the Bethany Library.

David Baird, District Coordinator for the Sussex Conservation District
David Baird, District Coordinator for the Sussex Conservation District

Doug Parham



3 PM– Introductions and Pledge of Allegiance

3:15 Introduction of David Baird, District Coordinator for the Sussex Conservation District and an over view of “Cover Crops” as a solution to Non- Point (NPS) Agricultural Pollution- How can the Foundation help?

3:45 PM– President’s Message delivered by Brenna Goggin, Delaware

Brenna Goggin, Delaware Nature Society, Advocacy Manager
Brenna Goggin, Delaware Nature Society, Advocacy Manager

Nature Society, Advocacy Manager- The importance of Lobbying and why every Member and Friend should become an advocate.

4:15– Secretary (Frances Hart), Treasurer (Dave Jaeger)  and Coordinators Reports

  • Public Information- Nancy Santos
  • Membership- George Cole
  • Holts- Chuck Schoender
  • Advocacy- Bob Chin
  • Science- vacant
  • Partners- Vacant

4:45– Old Business-

  • Annual Dinner, August 7- Ron Wuslich
  • Coast day- Dave Jaeger

5:15– New Business and Closed Board Session

6 PM– Adjournment and clean the room

Please mark your calendars for our annual Foundation Dinner on October 7 at Irish Eyes in Lewes. Details and registration will soon appear on our website.


The University of Delaware’s festive Coast Day returns for the 37th year on Sunday, Oct. 4 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please stop by our table and say hello.