A Memorial to Sussex County Environmental Activists:
John Austin and Bill Moyer
The Inland Bays Foundation (IBF) is establishing the Austin/Moyer Citizens Advocacy Program as a memorial to John Austin and Bill Moyer to continue their legacy of working to protect the environment and fighting for better water quality in the Delaware Bays.
Frances Hart, IBF president, said “Citizen-led environmental groups often need legal resources to understand, monitor and challenge state and county administrative functions and rulings. The Austin/Moyer Citizens Advocacy Program will help provide this support through an on-going donation to the Delaware Law School Environmental and Natural Resources Law Clinic, directed by Professor Ken Kristl. ”
In accepting the donation, Professor Kristl said, “The Clinic is honored to be the recipient of the IBF’s donation. John Austin and Bill Moyers were tireless advocates for the environment in Delaware. Having had the privilege of working on several matters with John and Bill, I look forward to furthering their legacy of citizen advocacy in partnership with IBF.”
Delaware Law School students will take on citizen activist issues vetted by Professor Kristl and the IBF Board. Projects may include: Citizen Guides to NPDES permitting and DNREC regulatory hearings; research and writing support for legal issues resulting from local hearings or cases in which citizens groups are involved.
John Austin was a great advocate for the environment throughout his professional life at the Environmental Protection Agency and after his retirement for the Delaware Inland Bays. His scientific expertise greatly enhanced efforts to fight for better water quality. He provided invaluable support to Sussex County citizens at many public forums and hearings. John was a founding member of IBF and its Science Coordinator for many years.
Bill Moyer was a tireless steward of the environment, retiring in 2004 as Manager of the Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section for the State of Delaware . He continued his passion for protecting the environment through consulting and serving as President of the Inland Bays Foundation.
The Austin/Moyer Citizens Advocacy Program will empower Sussex County citizens who are following their lead.
The Inland Bays Foundation advocates for and promotes the restoration of the Inland Bays watershed by conducting public outreach and education, tracking restoration efforts, encouraging scientific inquiry and sponsoring needed research, in order to establish a long-term process for the protection and enhancement of the Inland Bays. inlandbayfoundation.org
Widener University Delaware Law School, the only law school in the state, is an integral part of Delaware’s unique legal culture which prizes civility and respect within the bench and bar. The Environmental and Natural Resources Law Clinic provides students with the opportunity prepare for practice by working with the clinic director to represent not-for-profit organizations and individuals who seek to protect the environment. delawarelaw.widener.edu