Reducing Non-point Nutrient Pollution in Our Waters

The Inland Bays Foundation is currently considering ways to reduce non-point nutrient pollution in our waters- the following illustrates what can be done by responsible government actions:

“A positive step to reduce non-point nutrient pollution in our waters by our County Government, thank you: (Published in the Cape Gazette)” Nitrogen tests available for manured soils to Sussex corn growers- The Sussex Conservation District is offering its Pre-sidedress Nitrogen Testing Program for Soil samples for testing must be taken when the corn is between 6 and 10 inches in height, and before any additional nitrogen is applied.

District planners will take up to five samples. Any additional samples may be taken by the landowner, and will be processed at no additional charge. Samples must be immediately put in a cooler with a cold pack to ensure accurate results. Test results are normally available within 24 hours. When the time is right, corn growers may call tel:302-856-3990 Ext.203″ 302-856-3990, Ext. 3, to request a PSNT test

The Inland Bays Foundation has deep concerns about the encroachment of development and business into the State’s Fragile Level Four Areas in the Inland Bays Watershed. For your education, here’s more about the State’s view of the situation. We agree with the Governor and the Office of Planning that more needs to be done to protect the “Fragile Beauty” of our watershed and provide you with safe and clean waters and areas for recreation and fulfillment of a high quality of life for residents and visitors alike. From the Delaware State Planning Coordination Office dated June 2014

Investment Level 4 Description Delaware’s Investment Level 4 Areas are rural in nature, and are where the bulk of the state’s open-space/natural areas and agricultural industry is located. These areas contain agribusiness activities, farm complexes, and small settlements. They are typically found at historic crossroads or points of trade, often with rich cultural ties (for example, unincorporated areas like Clarksville in Sussex County, Star Hill in Kent County, and Port Penn in New Castle County). Investment Level 4 Areas also boast undeveloped natural areas, such as forestlands, and large recreational uses, such as state and county parks and fish and wildlife preserves. Sometimes, private recreational facilities, such as campgrounds or golf courses (often with associated residential developments), are also situated in Investment Level 4 Areas. Some limited institutional uses may exist in such areas. Delaware’s Investment Level 4 Areas are also the location of scattered residential uses, featuring almost entirely single-family detached residential structures. These are homes for those who value the quiet and isolation provided by locations away from more developed settings, albeit with an almost total reliance on private vehicles for every transportation need.

State Strategies for Policies & Spending State of Delaware


The State Strategies

Using this Document



Executive Summary

The State’s Land-Use Role Planning


The Cabinet Committee

Legal Basis

Why an Update?

Inter-Governmental Coordination Public Outreach and Comments

Directing Growth

The Maps The Investment Areas

– Investment Level 1

– Investment Level 2

– Investment Level 3

– Investment Level 4

– Out-of-Play

Moving Forward

Citizen Involvement

Web Sites and Links of Interest