EDEN Delmarva presents the Second Annual Clean Water Forum.

The Forum is scheduled to be held Friday, May 12, 2017 from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM at the Atlantic Sands Hotel, 101 N. Boardwalk, at the Ocean in Rehoboth Beach, DE.
Cost: $39 for each participant
Registration includes Continental Breakfast and Lunch. Press invited as guests of EDEN Delmarva at no charge.
“Overall, water quality in the Inland Bays remains fair to poor…” (2016 State of the Inland Bays.) Progress has occurred, but runoff, agriculture, and a rapidly growing population in Sussex County continue to thwart sufficient improvement in water quality. Nutrient pollution continues to present issues in Delaware waterways.
The Forum explores solutions to address pollution in the Chesapeake Bay and Inland Bays. Content areas will span four themes: Agriculture; Aquaculture; Clean Water in Delaware Surface Waters; and Wastewater/Septic Systems in Rural Delaware.
EDEN Delmarva is a local nonprofit community service organization promoting the principles of sustainability, including the repair and restoration of water quality in all Delaware waterways. The Forum will pinpoint causes and explore solutions to the issue of nutrient overload in the Chesapeake Bay, the Inland Bays, among other waterways in Delaware.
Topics include:
- Aquaculture in Delaware
- Clean Up of Nutrient Overload from Failing Rural Wastewater Systems (an Innovative USDA Initiative)
- Rehoboth Beach Outfall
- Agriculture in Delaware: Technological Solutions on the Farm
- Prevention of Cataclysmic Environmental Events