1. Conducted monthly Board of Directors meetings with
citizen involvement.
2. Guest speakers included Secretary Collin O’Mara and Deputy
Secretary David Small (DNREC), Secretary Ed Kee (D of A), Chris
Bason, Executive Director, CIB and Ken Kristl, Widener Law Clinic.
3. Press coverage included articles in the News Journal, USA Today,
Cape Gazette, and Coastal Point.
4. Convened a Public Forum on August 9, 2012 in Bethany Beach.
Guest speakers included Nick DiPasquale, Director, EPA
Chesapeake Bay Program and John Schneider, Program
Administrator, Watershed Assessment Section, DNREC. Included
a PowerPoint presentation on mission and goals of the IBF.
Approximately 75 attendees.
5. Sent 17 separate letters on Inland Bays issues to DNREC, EPA, Corps
of Engineers and Delaware legislators.
6. Presented testimony at 4 DNREC public hearings and 1 Sussex
County Council meeting.
7. Board members visited the offices of the Chesapeake Bay
Foundation to discuss mutual concerns.
8. Board members met with Senator David McBride, Chairman of
the Senate Natural Resources Committee to discuss Inland Bays
issues and make arrangements for a presentation to his full
committee in early 2013.
9. Currently have 75 IBF members. Expect 100 more with the
transfer of members from the dissolved Sussex Citizens Coalition.
10. Made a presentation to the Board of Directors of the CIB
regarding the mission and goals of the IBF.
11. Created an IBF ‘Public Information Speakers Group’ that reached over 400 stakeholders during presentations to several civic organizations.
12. Prepared 3 PowerPoint presentations for use at educational functions.
13. Printed handout ‘Factsheets’ containing information on goals and objectives of the IBF and how to join.
14. Prepared three-ring binder with documents that give a summary of past efforts to improve the quality of the Inland Bays from 1969 to 2012.
15. Prepared IBF Website and posted background scientific and technical information as well as copies of all correspondences and pertinent notices.
16. Designed and purchased Inland Bays Foundation banner.
17. Designed and purchased Inland Bays Foundation bumper stickers.