Leslie Ledogar

Leslie Ledogar to speak at Oct. 11 IBF Meeting

The Inland Bays Foundation will host its monthly meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 11 from 5-7 pm at the South Coastal Library in Bethany Beach. This month’s featured speaker is Leslie Ledogar, environmental attorney and current candidate for Sussex County Council.

Ms. Ledogar will speak about the need for “Climate Preparedness and the 2018 Sussex County Plan”.

Leslie Ledogar has been a familiar face in Sussex County since moving here nine years ago. She has been involved in volunteer work in the areas of land use planning, environment, and assistance for seniors. She holds a law degree from Temple Law school as well as degrees in biology and forestry and has spent 15 years working as an environmental attorney.

Ledogar was previously employed by the New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection where she collaborated with policy makers, scientists, and engineers to shape regulations that balanced environmental concerns with economic realities.

Following the main presentation on Oct.11, the Foundation members will convene for a closed session board meeting to plan the upcoming “Love Your Inland Bays” dinner on Nov.30 at the Irish Eyes Restaurant. Tickets are now available on the Foundation’s website: www.inlandbaysfoundation.org or by mail at PO box 521, Bethany Beach DE19930.


The Inland Bays Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization composed entirely of volunteers passionate about cleaning up the bays and returning them to their original fishable and swimmable state. If you would like to participate in our clean water efforts, visit our website at: www.inlandbaysfoundation.org. Also on Facebook.

Contact: Nancy Cabrera-Santos ncabrera-santos@msn.com