off shore energy

Information on Off Shore Wind Projects for Delaware

An offshore wind project will provide 28% of Delaware’s electricity. Price is right. MA has 2 contracts, 1 for 6.5 … Read more

A Citizens Guide to Environmental Advocacy workshop with Professor Ken Kristl featured in SRAP LIVE! Summit

A Citizens Guide to Environmental Advocacy in Delaware, the first project of the Austin Moyer Chin Citizens Advocacy Program, is … Read more

Inland Bays Foundation Sends Groundbreaking Petition to the EPA

IBF Citizens Advocacy Program Honors John Austin, Bill Moyer and Robert Chin

IBF established its Citizens Advocacy Program in 2019 as a memorial to John Austin and Bill Moyer, founding members who … Read more

Coast Day


This year, due to COVID-19 Coast Day will be virtual.  The Inland Bays Foundation made a short video for participants to learn about … Read more

Robert Chin

Robert Chin, an IBF Founding Member

September 24, 2020 Dear Environmentalists, The Inland Bays Foundation was sad to hear of the passing of one of our … Read more

Adoption of Buffer Zone Ordinance Revision Critical to Sussex County Environment

Sussex County is proposing a revised ordinance to protect the property values and safety of its residents by requiring more … Read more

Call To Action from Sussex2030

Dear Neighbors, Over 6,800 Housing units have been approved for the Rt 24 corridor resulting in an increase of tens-of-thousands … Read more

Stay Involved — Join a Webinar on Factory Farms, Public Health & Environmental Justice Online June 11th

Join Socially Responsible Agricultural Project and co-sponsors on June 11th from 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM ET to hear captivating … Read more