Now More Than Ever: Protecting our Communities through Sustainable Agriculture Virtual Town Hall: May 26th, 10am-12pm

 Join a virtual Town Hall on May 26 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm to hear the latest research and … Read more

Austin Moyer Chin Citizens Advocacy Program Publishes A Citizen’s Guide to Environmental Advocacy in Delaware

A Citizen’s Guide to Environmental Advocacy in Delaware by Kenneth T. Kristl, professor of law and director of the Environmental … Read more


April 14th IBF Meeting Canceled

Unfortunately due to the coronavirus crisis, IBF’s April meeting with DNREC Secretary Shawn Garvin will not take place. We hope … Read more


Due to the coronavirus and the state of emergency status in Delaware, Professor Ken Kristl’s workshop for environmental activists based … Read more

Delaware Department of Agriculture Secretary Michael Scuse

Secretary of Agriculture Michael Scuse to Speak at March 10th Meeting

Hear updates on Delaware’s cover crop program and other efforts from Secretary Scuse at the South Coastal Library, 4:30pm.

A Citizen’s Guide to Environmental Advocacy in Delaware is available to download in the Resources section

Clean Water for Delaware Act Proposes $50 Million Investment

The latest chapter in securing legislation to support water infrastructure was announced by Governor Carney at a January 21st news … Read more

At the Start of a New Decade, a Look Ahead….

IBF’s first meeting of 2020 featured Dr. Ted Spickler speaking on the impact of climate change on the Delaware Inland … Read more